We are a Blooming Business
In 2019 we received the “Blooming Business” award from the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection. You receive this award if you can meet the following criteria:
- At least 20% of the open spaces on the company premises are designed in a natural way. In particular, this means: continuous flower offer from spring to autumn; different habitats of native wild flowers, perennials, shrubs and woody plants. Greened roof areas are included in the natural designed outdoor area.
- No extensive use of chemical pesticides.
- Areas of flowering areas remain unmown over the winter (preservation of breeding and wintering sites for insects).
- No use of peat-containing substrates in the design and maintenance of open spaces.
More than half of the 3000 ㎡ hotel property consists of natural green space and has a variety of plants, water holes, hiding places and much more. We are constantly working on making the hotel garden even more environmentally friendly. In 2022, for example, a micro forest was planted on the property.
Implementation period: Since 2019
Partner: Bavarian Bloom Pact
SDGs: 11,13,15